Our Islamic Center provides following services:
Everest Academy curriculum is aligned to the objectives established by Texas Education Agency (TEA). These objectives are based on Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) directives for all secular subjects. All textbooks with the exception of Arabic and Islamic studies are approved by the TEA; and are comparable to those currently being used in the leading Public School Districts in Texas. At Everest Academy, we strive to ensure a challenging, engaging, and viable program for all students. The curriculum, program guidelines, and scope and sequence maps are reviewed and updated annually. Students’ academic performance is closely monitored and charted utilizing various assessment tools such as the state-mandated STAAR, IOWA Complete Battery, and Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA). Additionally, after each 9 week quarter, benchmarks are administered in order to monitor & ensure steady progress.
You can request any service by submitting the service request form of that service.