ESL Program For International Students


English as a Second Language (ESL) Program

Policies and Procedures

Everest Academy ESL (English as a Second Language) Program is available for English language learners (ELLS) as an inclusive protocol of instruction to accelerate proficiency in English language and literacy. Our ESL instruction is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and is accommodated to the student’s level of proficiency in English language. Instruction is provided through supplemental pull-out or content-based classroom instruction twice a week by a qualified Interventionist.

Mission and Goals

The mission of Everest ESL program is to provide research-based educational guidance and support to every student to achieve academic excellence.
Broad goals are as follows:

– Provide an educational framework for excellence to support English Language Learners.
– Differentiate instruction per strengths and needs of each learner.
– Employ effective tools and resources to deliver instruction.
– Implement efficient and effective systems to monitor student achievement.


Everest Academy uses inclusion model, ESL students learn in a general education classroom where students with or without learning differences learn together. Students are taught in small homogeneous as well as large heterogeneous groups. Technology is integrated to enhance the educational experience.


ESL support help students learn English as quickly as possible.
ESL students, teachers, and campuses benefit from TEA offered resources for ESL students.
ESL teachers provide instructional accommodations.


Students speaking language other than English as documented in Home Language Survey are given an Oral Language Proficiency Test (OLPT). Those scoring LEP (Limited English Proficient) are eligible for ESL support.

Parent Involvement

Parents of ESL students are encouraged to

Learn more about the ESL program and keep updated with their student’s progress.
Share information with teachers regarding culture and language and to serve as translators and liaisons.
Participate in the PTO and in other activities at school.

Fee Type Amount for 2018-2019 Revised Amount effective from August 2019
Initial Registration Fee $50 $50
Annual Book Fee $150 $150
Annual Resources & Technology Fee $100 $100
Annual Tuition $10,000 $14,000
Annual Intervention Fee $5000 $15,000
Transportation Fee TBD TBD

ESL/ International students receive 4 uniform items (3 shirts and a sweater), Field trips, and school lunch complementary.