Character Education


Everest Academy Character Education Program aims to develop habits and traits of human excellence as the foundation of a purposeful, productive, and healthy personality. Our educators make a conscious effort to cultivate moral and intellectual virtues through every phase of school life — the example of adults, the relationships among peers, the handling of discipline, the resolution of conflict, the content of the curriculum, the process of instruction, the rigor of academic standards, the environment of the school, the conduct of extracurricular activities, and the involvement of parents. Everything that happens in the life of the school is character education, because everything affects character. A specific trait is focused on every month and is incorporated into lessons, activities, and assignments. Parents are kept informed through newsletter and tips are provided to help encourage children to practice & strengthen these traits at home. For this school year, Everest Academy is incorporating Alah SWT’s attributes and effective habits into the character education program. Every month, students learn about a certain character trait, its corresponding habit, and how our Rabb has taken it to the highest level. The table below summarizes character education program for 2016-17.

Character Traits

Month Allah’s Name Character Trait & Corresponding Habit
August Al-Mu’iz
The Giver of Honor
Respect. Opposite: Disrespect
As we embark on a new school year, students will be encouraged to:

  • Show consideration for other people and their property.
  • Care for themselves, family, community, and school.
  • Appreciate and accept individual differences.
  • Treat others the way that they want to be treated.
September Al-Qadir
The All-Powerful, He Who is able to do Everything
Opposite: Carelessness
(Not paying enough attention to what needs to be done)

  • Be accountable for what you do, for your actions, and behavior.
  • Do the right thing at the right time, so others can trust and depend on you.
  • When you choose to make a poor decision, you admit to it, apologize for it, and then take steps to change it.
  • Be Proactive. Act in advance of a future situation, rather than reacting after events have transpired. Take control and making things happen rather than just adjusting to a situation or waiting for something to happen.
October Al-Quddus
The Holy, The Divine, The Pure, The Purifier
Opposite: Dishonesty
 (Cheating or exaggerating to make things seem different than they are.)

  • Tell the truth, regardless of the consequence.
  • Admit when you are wrong.
  • Keep promises and encourage others to be truthful
November Al-Sabur
The Timeless, The Patient

Perseverance. Opposite: Laziness

  • Stay with the task and not give up.
  • Show commitment, pride, and a positive attitude in completing tasks.
  • Try again and again and again
  • Be patient and willing to work hard.
  • Be Goal-orientated: Begin with the End in Mind. Envision what you want in the future so that you can take concrete steps to make your goal a reality.
December Al-Adl
The Utterly Just

Being Just. Opposite: Biased

  • Treat everyone fairly under established rules and laws.
  • Give everyone equal opportunities to succeed.
  • Cooperate with one another.
  • Give everyone and everything their due respect/ place
  • Prioritize: Put First Things First. Organize and manage time and events according to the goals established in order to live a more balanced existence.
January Al-Mu’min
The Granter of Security

Loyalty. Opposite: Disloyalty

  • Be responsible and respectful to people, animals, and the environment.
  • Care about your community and country.
  • Be informed about the needs within your school and community.
  • Do your best to make your home, school, and community a better place.
  • Think Win-Win. See life as a cooperative and not a competitive arena. Win-win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions; and strives for agreements or solutions that are mutually beneficial and satisfying.
February Al-Muqtadir
The Determiner, The Dominant

Self-Control. Opposite: Impatience

  • Use brakes for greater good in the journey of life.
  • Say “no” to some things in order to say “yes” to something better—something that can help you reach your goals.
  • Think before acting.
  • Control your temper.
  • Seek first to understand and then be understood. Exercise patience to use empathic listening, which compels to reciprocate the listening and assume an open mind thus creating an atmosphere of caring and mutual trust.
March Al-Ra’uf
The Kind, The Pitying

Empathy. Opposite: Apathy

  • Show concern for the well-being of others.
  • Use your words and actions to help someone.
  • Give of yourself without expecting anything in return.
  • Synergize. Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals that could not be achieved independently.
April Al-Rashid
The Guide to the Right Path

Modesty. Opposite: Vanity

  • Be mindful of decency in behavior, speech, dress.
  • Be simple.
  • Sharpen the Saw. Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. Exercise for physical renewal, do prayer and community service for spiritual renewal, and strive for beneficial knowledge for mental renewal.
May Al-Mateen
The Firm, The Steadfast

Courage. Opposite: Passiveness/ Cowardice

  • Do the right thing even if it is difficult.
  • Face your fears with confidence ‐ being brave.
  • From Effectiveness to Greatness. In order to thrive, innovate, excel, and lead, reach beyond effectiveness toward fulfillment, contribution, and greatness. This can be done by tapping into the higher reaches of human motivation and subsequent effort.