

Effective from January 2025, Everest Academy is launching a new admissions process to streamline its current practices and to better manage its waitlist applications that have grown many folds. 

Due to high demand, limited seats, and the need to better manage the wait list,  applications will not roll over from one year to the next year. The waitlist will be cleared each year and start fresh for next year’s window, as the student and family needs and circumstances change each year.

All Students, current or new, will now need to enroll annually. The new process applies to grades DK (Developmental Kindergarten – 4 years old) through Grade 12. The process for PreK (Prekindergarten – 3 years old) is not changing at this time, as some parents have already applied for their students for the upcoming three years which we plan to work through. 

Re-enrollment Window

Registration window for existing students will open from January 1 and last through January 31.

The enrollment application will be published in Quickschools for parents to re-enroll their students.

New Enrollment Window

New students must submit the waitlist application via our website starting from January 1 through February 28. The application will be active on our website during the window. Due to limited seats, Everest will cap the number of applications to 30 applicants. We aim to prevent disappointment by managing the high volume of applications and ensuring we can accommodate as many applicants as possible.

Starting around mid-February, we will begin by calling waitlisted applicants in the priority order outlined below. Students must meet academic requirements, including passing report cards and standardized test scores. If they do not meet these requirements, then we will move on to the next applicant on the list. The enrollment process must be completed by applying families within 3 days including the day of advice of enrollment. 

New enrollers in the middle of the school year must pass placement exams with a 75% or higher score. They are kept on probation for their first grading period to finalize continued enrollment.

Admission priority order

  1. Staff children 
  2. Applicants with siblings attending Everest
  3. Five seats per year for the children of individuals or their designees who have made significant contributions to Everest Academy. The Admission Applications Review Committee will determine and approve the individuals in this category based on their long-term commitment, financial support or exceptional service to the school.
  4. Other applicants on a first come, first serve basis

Waitlist application fee for new students – Non Refundable

$50 Early bird fee (January) 
$75 Regular fee (February)

Early Childhood (PK & DK)

  • Students applying to Pre-Kindergarten and Developmental Kindergarten must be 3 and 4 years old, respectively, by September 1st of the academic year in which they will attend. 
  • Students should be fully toilet trained, socially and emotionally ready.
  • Students will have a 4-week period to adjust to their new school routines and surroundings. 
  • Students who have 3 toileting accidents in a week will be asked to stay at home for at least a week for toilet training by parents.  Students whose skills have not improved afterward will no longer be eligible for PK enrollment and their applications will be placed back on the waiting list for the current school year; they can re-enroll after they are fully toilet trained and if space is available. 
  • Students are expected to follow classroom expectations and adhere to age-appropriate behavior. In case of recurring disciplinary incidents & excessive separation anxiety from parents, the School Counselor will work with parents for appropriate plan of action.

Elementary School ( Grades K-5)

  • Students must have a passing report card.
  • Students applying to Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 1st of the academic year in which they will attend. 
  • Students in Grades 4 -5 should Meet STAAR grade level. If STAAR results are not available, students are required to sit for a placement exam.

Middle & High School (Grades 6-11)

  • Students must have a passing report cards
  • Students’ STAAR results must at least Meet Expectations for their grade level.
  • Students’ disciplinary reports from the previous school must be positive. If a disciplinary report is unavailable, a counselor evaluation will be required.
  • Students applying for high school must schedule academic advisement after finalizing enrollment at Everest Academy. They will not be permitted to attend classes until this meeting has been conducted.
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Social Security Card
  • Copy of Immunization Records – must be up to date. Click here to view Minimum State Requirements for Immunization
  • Most recent report card showing passing grades in all subjects
  • Standardized testing scores (Grades 4 and up)
  • MAP  scores (if available)
  • Copy of Disciplinary Report from prior school 
Grade Amount
Initial Registration Fees $50
Annual Book Fee $150
Annual Supplies & Technology Fee $180
PK-DK: Monthly Fee $825
KG-5: Monthly Fee $750
Grade 6-12: Monthly Fee $725
2nd child discount -$70
3rd child discount -$125

New families may submit waitlist applications annually from January 1 through February 28. The waitlist application will be available on this page during the application window and will be disabled once the window closes.

Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee enrollment. Applications will be processed in the order they are received, based on the priority tiers outlined in the admissions process. Families will be contacted accordingly.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Waitlist Application for 2025-26 academic year is now open. To submit, click here!